Below you will find the most interesting questions sent by our site's visitors and our answers to them. We are very thankful to the Respondents for the help in co-redacting this section.

  I’ve got a question regarding flowers from the wedding guests. I surely don’t like the idea of heaps of flowers withering at our home a few days after the wedding. Is it proper to ask the guests that each of them could present the Bridal Couple with a single rose, which in effect would make one big bouquet? Then we could dry it and keep as a reminder of this day. How to formulate this kind of request in the invitations?
Surely it is proper to ask the guests to fulfill such a wish. You could prepare a short poem or just write for example: “Dearly beloved, If you wish to present us with flowers, please bring a single rose instead of huge bouquets. This will create a beautiful bouquet, which we will dry and keep as a reminder of this day”.
