Below you will find the most interesting questions sent by our site's visitors and our answers to them. We are very thankful to the Respondents for the help in co-redacting this section.

  I have some doubts about the finish of the reception party. We have booked a reception room up to 3AM. These arrangements have been issued to us and there is no way of changing them. What should we do when the time comes and the guests would still like to celebrate? How to tactfully let them know that the reception party is finished? Maybe we should indicate the reception hours in the invitations?
I could give you a few ideas for a tactful finish of the reception party:

You could prepare a plan of the celebrations with orientation hours of the most important events like the first dance, attractions, wedding cake, thanks to the parents, serving some special dishes. In such a scenario it is quite easy to “smuggle in” the hour of the reception’s finish.

The plan can be prepared on a large board set in a visible place of the reception room or in the form of elegant individual printouts laid by the table settings of the guests.

Another possibility is asking one of the fathers of the Bridal Couple or the Best Man to raise a ceremonial final toast for the Newlyweds and thank the banqueters for coming.

Third way is to arrange with the DJ/ announcer that at a given time he would announce the last dance set, and afterwards the second but last and last dance. At the end of the reception he should also bid farewell to the guests thanking them for taking part in the celebrations.

3AM or 4AM is a very good moment to finish the reception party. At that hour many of the guests will already have “crumbled away” for various reasons. The little bit of hunger for more that may be left in those more persevering guests shouldn’t be a reason to worry.
