Below you will find the most interesting questions sent by our site's visitors and our answers to them. We are very thankful to the Respondents for the help in co-redacting this section.

  How do you professionally ask for confirming the arrival and where do you put it in the invitation?
For very official relations you add R. S. V. P. (Réspondez s'il vous plaît) at the end of the invitation, which in French means a request for confirming the arrival/ request for answer. Telephone number added to this statement lets the invited persons confirm their arrival by phone. You can also add a card with place for answer, which can be posted back to you. If the hosts do not specify a deadline for confirmations, one has to take attitude to the invitation without delay, preferably immediately after you getting invitation.

In wedding invitations it is very common to add: “For organizational reasons we would like to ask you for confirming your arrival up to ... (date)” or “We will be much obliged if you confirmed your arrival up to ... (date)”. Afterwards you add telephone numbers or e-mail addresses – of the Bridal Couple or their Parents, or the Wedding Consultant if he is the one responsible for the guest list.

Regardless of the formula one thing must be remembered: the request for confirmation cannot be left unanswered – no matter if we accept the invitation or not.
