Below you will find the most interesting questions sent by our site's visitors and our answers to them. We are very thankful to the Respondents for the help in co-redacting this section.

  Is a translator necessary during a concordat wedding in church, if the Groom and the Best Man are German?
I have written about the translation problem in the post concerning formalities before a wedding with a foreigner.

Strict rules for the translator’s presence and the translation itself concern a civil ceremony.
Church celebrations do not undergo such rigors, and depend mostly on the Bridal Couple’s expectations, language skills of the priests and common agreements. I think that both the Groom and his Best Man, and also the foreign Guests would feel more comfortable if you thought of preparing a translation of some of the fragments of the mass: the readings, vow text etc. Though I would not recommend translating the whole liturgy – it may have a bad influence on its lofty atmosphere and charm.
