Below you will find the most interesting questions sent by our site's visitors and our answers to them. We are very thankful to the Respondents for the help in co-redacting this section.

  You put church names in invitations. It is obvious that the name itself is written in upper case. But how to write „kościół”? Should it be: „w Kościele Matki Bożej Miłosierdzia”, or rather „w kościele Matki Bożej Miłosierdzia”? Which version is correct?
According to the rules of Polish Language Dictionary a common word preceding names of topographical objects, like street, monument, square, bridge, church, cemetery, are written in lower case. Therefore we write (in Polish): ulica Poznańska, aleja Paderewskiego, plac Grunwaldzki, kościół św. Jana, cmentarz Osobowicki, most Grunwaldzki. Also abbreviations, like “św.” (saint), “bł.” (blessed), are written in lower case. Though if you would like to use the longer form of the abbreviations, you have to use upper case (in Polish): kościół św. Barbary - kościół Świętej Barbary, kościół oo. Paulinów - kościół Ojców Paulinów.

Therefore the correct version is: “w kościele Matki Bożej Miłosierdzia”.
